
A Collection of Essays on Jonathan Edwards (PDF)

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A Collection of Essays on Jonathan Edwards (PDF)



This collection of essays provides fresh contributions pertaining to the life, times, and thought of the Puritan Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). As each writer comes from a different background and perspective—pastors, students, and professional theologians—each has something unique to say about Edwards. Some of the essays are more devotional in nature, while others are entirely technical. Yet tying all of these various perspectives together is the towering eighteenth century figure of Jonathan Edwards.


"A product of the innovative Jonathan Edwards Society, a brainchild of this volume's co-editor, Robert Boss (jesociety.org/), the book is beautifully designed, replete with 19 different figures (i.e. illustrations), and features a wide range of topics in Edwards studies. My favorites were the essays by Sarah Boss, Rob's daughter and a recent college graduate, who contributed a lovely piece on "Edwards and Thoreau: Typologies of Lakes"; and Chris Woznicki, the son of immigrants from Poland and Guatemala, who asks a question based on the work of Robert Jenson (a well-known Lutheran theologian), "Jonathan Edwards: America's Theologian? A Latino Evaluation of Jonathan Edwards's Harmartiology." Other readers will surely find different chapters to love." DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School




Jonathan Edwards: A Biographical Sketch - J.T. Holderman

Edwards and Thoreau: Typologies of Lakes - Sarah Boss

Jonathan Edwards: Calvinistic Homeboy or Reformed Eccentric? - Matthew Everhard

Did Jonathan Edwards Help Inspire the Modern Missionary Movement? - Obbie Tyler Todd

Jonathan Edwards and the Silkworm: Preaching and Typology - Matthew Everhard

Jonathan Edwards and the Relationship between Habit and Practice in Christian Experience - David Luke

Jonathan Edwards and Ratiocination: An Eternal Journey into the Discovery of God and Truth - Toby K. Easley

Jonathan Edwards: America’s Theologian? A Latino Evaluation of Jonathan Edwards’s Harmartiology - Chris Woznicki

A Glimpse of the Brave New World of Discordant Voices into which Jonathan Edwards was Born - Jonathan S. Marko

Jonathan Edwards and Caring for the Book of Nature - Robert Boss

Jonathan Edwards through the Eyes of His Children - Zachary Hopkins



PAPERBACK VERSION: https://www.amazon.com/Collection-Essays-Jonathan-Edwards/dp/0692815074/

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